Saturday, June 27, 2009

Computer Architecture & Organization

Computer Architecture
- is the study of the components that make up a computer system and how they are interconnected.

Computer Organization
- is concerned with the implementation of a computer architecture.

General purpose (revised Von Neumann) architecture


- executing instruction
- processing the data
- components: control unit, register set, and arithmetic/logical unit

- where data reside

Control Unit
- fetches the instruction from the memory or I/O devices place it in a queue
- update the program counter
- also decodes the fetched instruction into binary form
- performs the address translation
- controls the timing of all computer operations according to the system clock

System bus
- acts as the bridge for the processor and other components for them to communicate

Internal bus
- acts as the subway within the processor for the other components to communicate

- where arithmetic and logical operation is processed

Register Set
Segment register
- used as base location address for instruction

Code segment (CS)
o holds the base location for all executable instruction (code) in a program

Data Segment (DS)
o base location for variables

Stack Segment (SS)
o holds the stack base location

Extra Segment (ES)
o additional base location

Pointer Register
- contain the offset of data instruction

Instruction pointer
o contains the offset address of the next instruction to be executed
o associated with CS

Base Pointer (BP)
o contains an assumed offset from SS
o used by subroutine to locate variables
o associated with DS

Stack Pointer (SP)
o contains the offset of the top of the stack
o SS and SP combine to form a complete address of the stack

General Purpose Register
- data registers
- used for arithmetic and data movement

AX (accumulator)
o arithmetic operations

BX (base)
o hold addresses of a procedure or variable

CX (counter)
o a counter for repeating or looping instruction

DX (data)
o a special role in multiply and divide operation

Index Register
- contain the offset of data instructions

Source Index (SI)
o source string is pointed to by SI

Destination Index (DI)
o acts as the destination for string movement instruction

Flags Register

O = overflow
- indicate overflow of the left most bit

D = direction
- determine left or right direction for moving or comparing data

I = interrupt
- indicate that all interrupts to be processed or ignored

T = trap
- permit operation of the processor in single-step-mode

S = sign
- indicate the resulting sign of an arithmetic or comparison operation 0 (negative), 1 (positive)

Z = zero
- indicate the resulting value if 0 (nonzero), 1 (zero)

A = auxiliary carry
- contain a carry out of bit 3 on 8 bit data

P = parity
- indicate even or odd parity, 0 (disparity), 1 (parity)

C = carry
- contain leftmost bit

Bit = 0 or 1
Byte = 8 bits
Word = 2 bytes or 16 bits

Representation of nonnumeric data

ASCII – American Standard Code for Information Interchange

A – Z (41h – 5Ah)
a – z (61 – 7Ah)
0 – 9 (30h – 39h)

EBCDIC – Extended Binary – Coded Decimal Interchange Code

A – I (C1h – C9h)
J – R (D1h – D9h)
S – Z (E2h – E9h)
a – i (81h – 89h)
j – r (91h – 99h)
s – z (A2h – 9h)
0 – 9 (F0h – F9h)

Friday, June 26, 2009

done with..

I'm done with the uploading of all softcopy of lectures from start to end including the Computer Architecture and Organization copy..You can check it in our e-group..

requested links

Due to popular demand (haha..c joe ra di i ang nagrequest..kasabot baka og bisaya joe?) , here are the links:

for the files that i uploaded for you to be able to download,

for the photos, if you want to upload and download,

there you can add photos or create album...

If you have any concern regarding on this post, you can leave comments here or on the shoutbox.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

How to become a member on basicont_2_0809 e-group

Follow the following steps:
1. You must have a yahoo id or account. If you have your account, definitely, you can receive e-mails.
2. After having an account, log in.
3. You have two options. First, using the search engine of yahoo.

3.1 You will see the picture above on the yahoo main page.
3.2. Then, type basicont_2_0809 group on the textbox and click the button "web search".
3.3 After clicking, you will see this picture.

3.5. Click the link.
3.6. After clicking, you will see the this picture on the upper right corner of the screen.

3.7. Click the "Join This Group" button.
3.8. Just follow what are the things to be done before joining the group.
4. Through the left menu.

4.1. Click the group link in the menu.
4.2. Enter the group name on the textbox that you will see on the page like this:

4.3. Follow steps 3.3 to 3.8


If you have any question, you can comment this post by clicking the "comment" link below.